Sunday, January 24, 2010

Harriet Theobald Bliss Lee Funeral Minutes

Funeral of Harriet Theobald Bliss Lee

This was sent to me by Gordon Wright who found them where he works at the church office. He used to spend summers with his grandparents in Hinckely, and we have shared data about the town.

I have transcribed it as it appears in the photographic copy I have.

Harriet Theobald Bliss Lee's funeral service appeared in the sacrament meeting minutes of the Hinckley Ward, Deseret Stake , (1927, Page 141):

March 6, 1927

Funeral services of Harriet T. Bliss Lee held in High school auditorium at

2 P.M.

Bishop Chas. A. Stratten presiding and conducting.

Floyd G. Eyre Chorister, Van Dyne Bishop Organist.

Choir sang “Beautiful Isle of somewhere”

Invocation offered by Willis E. Robinson.

Double mixed Quartett (sic sang “Rest for the weary soul.”

Charles R. Woodbury and James S. Blake Sr. spoke of life labors and

faithfulness of departed.

Meba Lee sang solo “I know that my Redeemer lives.”

Otto C. Kock spoke of the departed [ones] qualities as a neighbor.

Charles A. Stratton and Alonzo A. Hinckley spoke of the duties and

service rendered by departed also the duties and service we all owe to

those who are left behind.

Poem composed to departed [one] by Lester W. Lee was read by Lafayette

C. Lee.

Closing song Solo and Choir “O My Father” by Lyle C. Pratt and Choir.

Benediction by Joseph M. Wright.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the information listed. Harriet was my Father's, Leo J Lee, Mother. As he was only 19 mos old when she died, he has no memory of her funeral. I've printed a copy of this to give to him. He'll be quite pleased to see this. BTW he is 88 ys old & to my knowledge the last surviving child of Harriet (and John R Lee).
    -Lisa Lee Halvorson
    granddaughter of Harriet Theobald Bliss Lee
